Oh, Great Spirit, I know I have been running on this Heavenly Earth, trying to keep up with the masses of everyday life, earthly life, trying to finish a job for which I feel unprepared, listening to men dooming themselves and all others, not listening to what God is saying, nor living a life of good for all of mankind.
Now on this Good Friday, the day of miracles and dying the Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus, he died to cleanse us and through the crucifixion of Jesus, he cleansed Us and also, Himself: through the resurrection or (rebirth), he again became hole, he allowed himself and all of mankind, to live, to stop anger, fear,Fighting over a land that is not truly ours, but a land which God created for man as a learning place, a place of love, not hate, a haven for man! For all of us to learn, dance and enjoy being here. With all equality.
This is a time that we too, can be resurrected and have and have a rebirth in our lives. So during this holy weekend, get in touch with yourself, your passion and love of this Heavenly earth, and look at the stars and realize that you the earth and the universe is all connected. What each of us do, has a ripple effect. Effecting all, the earth, the universe, and everyone that lives on this earth, learn to love yourself and that alone heals others, so they can to love themselves. Being different sometimes, is being whole.
Have a Happy and Blessed Weekend. The Angels are the Supreme Messengers of Our Great Spirit.