
Oh, Great Spirit, I know I have been running on this Heavenly Earth, trying to keep up with the masses of everyday life, earthly life, trying to finish a job for which I feel unprepared, listening to men dooming themselves and all others, not listening to what God is saying, nor living a life of good for all of mankind.

Now on this Good Friday, the day of miracles and dying the Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus, he died to cleanse us and through the crucifixion of Jesus, he cleansed Us and also, Himself: through the resurrection or (rebirth), he again became hole, he allowed himself and all of mankind, to live, to stop anger, fear,Fighting over a land that is not truly ours, but a land which God created for man as a learning place, a place of love, not hate, a haven for man! For all of us to learn, dance and enjoy being here. With all equality.

This is a time that we too, can be resurrected and have and have a rebirth in our lives. So during this holy weekend, get in touch with yourself, your passion and love of this Heavenly earth, and look at the stars and realize that you the earth and the universe is all connected. What each of us do, has a ripple effect. Effecting all, the earth, the universe, and everyone that lives on this earth, learn to love yourself and that alone heals others, so they can to love themselves. Being different sometimes, is being whole.

Have a Happy and Blessed Weekend. The Angels are the Supreme Messengers of Our Great Spirit.

Rebecca’s Metaphysical Moments

New Year, New Beginnings, Rebirth for a healthier you. I am so excited to announce that I am adding a new service for those who’s voice isn’t heard. So many people have something they can’t talk about to others. It doesn’t matter what it is. I do not judge anyone, I give my complete attention to my clients during there session.

I am now a Professional Listener. Yes it is exactly how it sounds. I will listen to your problems, I do not offer advice, or judge you in any way.  To have someone to talk to is so important to everyone. I am discreet, letting you start your healing process by getting something off your chest, and out of your head.  It is so important for a person to relieve themselves of the huge weight that a problem can cause. I have found that by someone listening with an open mind is the key, to start solving the problem.

You can e-mail me, or call  to set up an appointment ,

Phone: 607-862-6435

e-mail: rebecca@rebeccaspathways.com

Rebecca’s Metaphysical Moment

Don’t waste your Talent! Be your passion, that is who you are. Angel Hugs

Rebecca’s Metaphysical Moments

When people attack me on social media I know that they are so uninformed. They are coming from a dark mind. I have been attack many times. But they don’t know me or who I am, or really what I do. They are the ones who are caught in a web of darkness. They want everyone to take their side, tell them they will never heal. Their wounds are still open and exposed.  They want someone  to pity them, heal them, while they lash out at someone they don’t know. Yet, they don’t try to heal themselves. When in the end they have to do the work. If they are too afraid to do the work, they will never be of sound mind.

As my clients know, I do not heal anyone. I help heal others in a positive way. Through the Angels. Yes my gifts are from God, the Supreme Being. But I am not a Holy Roller, a Fake.  I do not  consider myself above anyone else. I am an Angelic Channeler. A seer. I have my gifts, and no matter what others say or think of me, I know who I am. I am blessed enough, to know that the best thing for me to do, is walk away from those who cannot be helped.  Why? Because I see that they don’t want to be healthy, and can become infectious to anyone who engages with them.  Bitterness spews from their very soul. They become Vampires.

My  job is not to force you to heal. My job is to help you to heal.They don’t know my story, and I don’t feel I need to tell them my story. My mission is to help those who seek healing.

So if you think your dark nasty anger affects me, you are wrong. It only affects you.

Angel Hugs.

Angel Blessings!

Rebecca’s New Chapter in Her Work

As everyone already know I am an Angelic Channeler. I am in touch with my Angels as well as yours.

I am so excited to announce a new addition to my list of current services. LISTENER. Now you may wonder what this is. It is just what it says. Everyone has a story they feel they need to tell or talk  to someone who will truly listen, without judgement.  Your privacy is guaranteed.  It opens the door in so many ways for the person telling their story.   It doesn’t matter what your circumstances are, or what you have overcome. What you have had happen to you. I will listen without judgement. It really is a clearing and cleansing for you.  I look forward to starting this new and exciting chapter in my work.  You can contact me through my website for an appointment, pricing will be available upon request.  Many Blessings, and Angel Hugs to Everyone.

Rebecca’s Metaphysical Moments

And he cried for his son the earth, and opened his gates and flooded his son the earth. The cleaning was released. Have no fear as the sun will shine again upon his son, earth. The flowers will bloom and the air will feel fresh and clean. Let the Healing of all things begin. As it should be.

Rebecca’s Metaphysical Moments

As the twilight is dimming and night brings out the beauty of the universe. I see so many positive things on this earth. Look around and explore the heavens and the stars that make this time a little brighter. Twinkling and Winking, letting us know that all is well. That we do have things to look forward to. that there is a higher power that exist, way up high, but also within us. But that also in the quiet night you can feel your own individual. unique, power of the Supreme Being. that lies inside each and everyone of us. Because, we all have a different journey on this earth. This is our separate uniqueness.

The Angels are showing me tonight, that truly all is right with my world. I have put in a long day working and helping others. Helping them clear their paths of sorrow, trouble, and questions. I have also been on my daily outside walk to ground and also to enjoy this Heavenly Earth.  As always I take my Angels with me. It is a great time for me to do a walking meditation, while I can also enjoy the ever changing  beauty that surrounds me. I always give thanks to my Higher power, my Angels, and Mother Earth, for providing me the privilege to stay on this earth and live in a positive way. That I am truly blessed in my life to have my home, family, and friends, that surround me.

So while I listen and give you my message though my Angels and The Supreme Being, I have hope that you too are enjoying your journey on this earth.

Many Blessings, and Angel Hugs

Rebecca’s Metaphysical Moments

Want to know how to kick start your morning? Well this is way I start my day. I grab a cup of coffee and head outside. I always thank father God and Mother Earth for this heavenly day. Then I look around, and listen to the sounds of nature. Birds singing, the neighbors cows mooing, the rooster crowing in the distance. I then do about 10 minutes of gentle stretching. Nothing hard, I certainly am not a yoga master, or exercise guru. But the point is to get the body moving. As we get older, this is especially important . I also take a few minutes to do what I call play with the energy. I do slow movements, of pushing the energy out, then bring it back in to me. Then stretch the energy, pulling it, pushing it. This really helps fill you up for the day. Then I thank Spirit and pray to carry me through this day of positive energy, and living.

I am always interested in how you start your day. Let me know.

Angel Hugs

Rebecca’s Metaphysical Moments

Let your inner strength, wisdom and beauty shine through, to the outside.

Always from your Angels.

Rebecca’s Metaphysical Moments

We all know and have been told Christmas is on its way! we also know that this is the time of the year for youl logs, by the fire. The hustle and bustle of the year, makes overspending for the whole year, and can take years to pay off. So let me remind you, to tighten your belts, pull up your ole sock, and remember that this is the time of the year, for love, joy, peace and good family, and friends. Let the Angels lead you to a happier and more prosperous New Year.

Don’t let the sense  of entitlement break your bank, for next year a newer and Shiner toy will be on its way, packed in Santa’s Sleigh.

So I leave you with this, Merry Christmas to ALL!!

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